Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interactive Stories For 4-Years & Older

The best books for 4-year olds in 2013 are, unsurprisingly, the tried-and-true favorites and instant classics of most parents' childhoods. At this age, kids need something inspiring to education and teach them reading, counting, and everything in-between.

With the following interactive short-list of books, children will use their imaginations and creative skills to tell stories, memorizing essential skills along the way.


Press Here (Herve Tullet)

This book is a step-by-step guide through a tilting, shaking, pressing, growing tale. Kids will embark on a hands-on journey with the simple press of the yellow button on the book's cover. The pages lead parents and children through a story of yellow buttons; ones that multiply, scatter, line-up, and group together for a giggling good time. It's a book without gadgets; it's a book that relies on colors, circles, and basic sentences to tell a simple tale, amusing the kid in all of us.


Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers [Box Set] (Bobby Lynn Maslen)

Young readers are encouraged to learn their alphabet, ABC sounds, and simple grammatical meanings with basic tales about Bob and his friends. The original fundamental elements of reading and learning are presented in 5 sets, with 3 levels per set, and 4 letters in each story. Kids will learn at their own pace, gaining understanding through a handful of characters and their designated stories.


Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book (Rod Campbell)

An old-fashioned board book and my personal favorite, this tale is celebrating 30-years of reader popularity. Generations have read and loved this book, from the very first elephant. Each of the 18-pages features an interactive component, revealing a new zoo animal with the flip of every flap. The humor is appealing to kids and adults alike, and includes a gentle nudge towards educational building of simple reading and instructional skills.

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