Friday, May 10, 2013

Fantasy Stories For 9-Year Olds

The best books for 9-year olds will tell a tale of fantastic journeys to uncharted destinations! There will be mayhem, chaotic scenarios, amazing characters that can overcome anything, and villains who love to be hated. These stories are the bread-and-butter of imaginative children, as each compassionate, fearless protagonist teaches life lessons about friendship, love, family, bravery, and perseverance.

For example:


The One and Only Ivan (Katherine Applegate)

Ivan is an artist... that also just happens to be a gorilla. As a capture from his jungle homelands, Ivan misses his native surroundings but has grown accustomed to his glass-walled habitat, where millions of humans watch him on a daily basis. With little to help his artwork along, the gorilla has lost hope. Until there's Ruby, a baby elephant who turns Ivan's world around and gives him reason to believe again. Friendship is the heart of this story.


The Lorax (Dr. Seuss)

A fictional character known as The Lorax is the hero of this tale, attempting to teach others how to love nature and keep the world growing. Unfortunately, progression and construction destroys the home he loves so dear, and Dr. Seuss tells The Lorax's story in an upbeat rhyme consisting of 72-pages. It's a serious issue of environmental health tackled in a way that helps children understand compassion, empathy, and respect.


The Giver (Lois Lowry)

Set in the future, this science-fiction tale is about a perfect world and one little 12-year old boy, Jonas, trying to find his place in it. Earth has no flaws; the people of his time don't fight, have jobs to love, and are always happy. However, it changes for Jonas when he's chosen to be The Giver's protégé; a man wrecked with the true pain and memories of an old humanity. Jonas learns hope and acceptance of imperfection!

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