Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Highlights For Children - The Reflective Magazine

Edmund Burke once said, "To read without reflection is to eat without digestion" -- which means reading at a slower pace is the ideal way to properly absorb information. The Highlights For Children is the best kids magazine for reflective reading and development of strong thinking skills; it’s a proverbial whirlwind of interesting tidbits, packed full of entertaining and riveting activities. However, these activities are tedious, as well as fun; each maze, riddle, or puzzle will require brain-power and moments of reflection to gain the most out of each section.

What can I expect from Highlights For Children?

This magazine is often found in classrooms, and has even been recommended to parents as a way to supplement their child's curriculum from home. Excellent and in place at doctor's or dentist's offices, the Highlights For Children is meant to engage kids, offering them a creative outlet to pass the time. One that is far more beneficial than the usual headphones, blaring pop music, and IPhone apps.

Activities and puzzles are easy enough for children to understand, but difficult enough to keep them challenged. Each issue instills determination in a child, evoking a sense of accomplishment when the riddles and mazes are solved after an hour of concentrating and working through the problems. It's also a magazine that can bring families together. There's nothing quite like going through the mail, followed by the tangible excitement of a child who has been waiting the whole month for the next Highlights issue. It gives parents the opportunity to sit down with their kids and flip through the whole magazine, offering help when possible and talking about the information, stories, and cool facts provided.

The complaints against the Highlights For Children magazine revolve around shipping. Depending on where parents order the magazine, they might have to deal with ridiclulous shipping costs -- such as the ones seen on Instead, parents should opt for ordering directly from the Highlights website. You'll get exactly what you've ordered in shorter time with no overcharges on your bank account.


Editor's note:  "Highlights for Children" has made the list of the top 10 kids magazines for 2012.  If looking for a great magazine for kids this year, it is always a good bet.  =)

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